Life Cycle Analysis

Life Cycle Analysis (laboratory)

What is Life Cycle Analysis?

Life cycle analysis is a set of procedures for assessing impacts related to the stages of the life-cycle of a product or tool. These procedures account for the energy and materials required across the industry value chain of a product or tool, and calculates its impact on other parts of the environment. The goal of life cycle analysis is to improve the environmental (i.e., ecological, economic and social) profile of the product or tool in question.  

What about course materials?

The instructor of record for the course is Travis Gliedt. As an important first step in your learning, Travis created a syllabus that outlines the course (including course materials). My role as Travis's assistant will be to teach you how to think about the software we will be using to perform life cycle analyses. This will include industry-popular software like Gabi, OpenLCA, and SimaPro.  

Where is yours and Travis's course's syllabus? 

Our syllabus for Life Cycle Analysis (GEOG 4523/5523) situated in the Department of Geography and Environmental Sustainability at The University of Oklahoma is available: here and via Canvas[1]. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the course (e.g. accommodations, assignments, attendance, enrollment, grading, masking requirements, etc) just let me know by contacting me via phone or email: here

How do I access the course's content?  When do we meet?  Where do we meet? 

Access to course content will be made available via Canvas[1] as outlined in our syllabus. This syllabus also contains meeting locations and times, and what you should expect to learn from our course.  

  1. The University of Oklahoma (OU) uses the Canvas learning management system for courses. Every course that I teach at OU will feature a related Canvas course site in addition to what I make available on my website. Information about Canvas as it relates to specific coursework that I teach at OU will be conveyed to enrolled students in a syllabus during that course's first day of instruction. More information about OU's Canvas here: